Ms. Jamie Becker (6th Year of Service) » Photo Album

Photo Album

On day 8 of incubation the eggs need to be candled. I shine a strong light through the eggshell and look for signs of growth. If I see shadows of the chick, veins or even a dark spot for the eye, I know something is happening inside the egg. We started with 24 eggs in the incubator. After I candled the eggs, 4 eggs needed to be removed, 9 eggs clearly showed signs of growth, the remaining 11 I am unsure of. The two blueish green eggs were hard to see through, and other eggs I could see the air cell, yolk and albumen, but I wasn't sure if I saw any shadows. I refilled the water tray below the egg turner. The eggs will remain in the turner until day 18. At that time I will recandle the eggs, remove the egg turner and the incubator will be locked down until after hatching. We will learn more about that later. Don't forget to write an entry in your Science Journal for today.

chicken egg with vein shadow
chicken egg with vein shadows
chicken egg with vein shadows
Chicken egg with vein shadows.
dark eye spot of a chicken egg
Chicken egg with chick embryo shadow
Chicken egg with bright air cell
chicken egg with chick shadow
four chicken eggs
chicken eggs inside incubator